Axolo on Base

what is AxolotlCoin ?

AxolotlCoin is the first Base memecoin fully coded by Venice AI using the DeepSeek R1 model.

Interesting! Can you tell me more
The full story on how AxolotlCoin was created can be found here.
How’s the tokenomics looking?
AxolotlCoin has a max supply of 1,000,000,000, all fully added to the Uniswap liquidity pool. No transfer tax, no buy/sell fees.
How’s the security of AxolotlCoin? Is everything safe?
AxolotlCoin uses a base code from OpenZeppelin, and 100% of its liquidity has been burned, so it’s completely safe.
That’s cool, where can I buy it?
You can buy on Uniswap using this link.

Axolo on Base